NGN - Pre-heat Innovation Project (1306)
Engineering Management
Northern Gas Networks
Leeds, England
8 Feb 2014
QEM Solutions are engaged by Northern Gas Networks in a five year framework agreement within their Major Projects Team on the distribution network across the north of England. QEM Solutions hold the position of Project Manager for Pre-heating programme including the OFGEM NIC element within the Major Project management team.
Across the NGN network the majority of the pre-heating is performed by either old inefficient water bath heaters. There are a number of sites that have newer boiler houses were expense to install and expense to maintain.
NGN conducted a study into the different types and options for gas pre-heating. This study concluded that here were two additional options for pre-heating: which are low pressure steam and hotcat.
On the back of the pre-heating study NGN, with the assistance of QEMS, applied for additional funding from OFGEM under the Network Innovation Competition (NIC).
NGN were successful in securing an additional £4.6m of funding over 3 years for the implementation of the study. This funding included installation of the 2 new technologies across 3 sites each (small, medium and large sites for each technology). Then 6 additional sites would have monitoring equipment installed for a small, medium and large site for water bath heater and boiler house. All of the data from the 12 sites will be collated and analysed for publication on a website to be available for all of the gas networks.
QEM recruited Adam Sadler, author of the feasibility study, to project manage the pre-heating programme for both the NIC element as well as the other pre-heating projects.
QEM's Main Responsibilities include;
Manage the design process to ensure compliance with NGN and gas industry standards and requirement including G17.
Management of design for design changes including Sub-contractors on specialist services.
Champion the new technologies within the different departments at NGN
Chairing the Formal Process Safety meetings including HAZOP and HAZCON
Packaging and scoping the design packages for the design contractors to tender.
Review and evaluated the tender returns including clarification and pre-tender meetings, if required.
Manage the installation works
Review of method statements and risk assessments for the contractors works
Materials procurement on behalf of the client
Procurement and expediting of the materials
Preparation of the RE18 requirements prior to and commissioning of and new equipment
Management of QA Activities for the project
Planning the future work load for the further coming years
Click here for further information on the innovation project on the NGN site