UK gas networks hydrogen transition policies and procedures
Over time across the UK, every gas network has developed a crucial suite of documents that both govern and describe the way they work from day to day. These documents comprise policies, technical standards, management and work procedures. They guide the way in which networks operate – supporting compliance and ethical practice, safeguarding employees, the public, and the environment.
But as many networks undertake at least some transition to hydrogen as part of their commitment to the Government’s 2050 Net Zero strategy, they must also update these documents to ensure they accurately reflect the changes needed to operate a safe hydrogen network. With so many networks using suites that contain similar or at least comparable procedures, it makes sense to see the need for revision as a UK-wide project, rather than leaving every network to individually examine their document suites in-house, duplicating effort and cost across the gas industry as a whole.
Project overview
QEM Solutions was contracted to examine and align the UK gas networks’ policies, standards and procedures, assess the requirements for document revision, and develop a roadmap to support networks to attain their own hydrogen-ready document suite.
Our solution
The project was broken into phases to support prioritisation of documents relevant to hydrogen projects already under way.
Development of a master document suite
The first phase focused on creating a Master Document Suite by analysing existing document registers across all network partners. This provided a valuable overview of documents that were immediately essential to hydrogen operations, and also identified others that could be aligned and updated collaboratively.
Prioritisation of document delivery
QEM conducted milestone workshops with each network partner to prioritise documents that were critical to upcoming hydrogen trials and projects. This aligned document updates with key project timelines, including major initiatives like Project Union and East Coast Hydrogen. By identifying high, medium, and low-priority documents, the team established a clear roadmap for document delivery.
Assessment of technical requirements and alternative approaches
The third phase closely assessed the technical requirements for each document, considering ongoing trials and future projects. Workshops with subject matter experts (SMEs) from each network partner evaluated alternative approaches to updating documents, such as standalone hydrogen policies, addendums, and mergers or splits of existing procedures. This phase ensured that specific technical requirements were thoroughly addressed.
Development of a programme for efficient document delivery
QEM then developed a comprehensive programme to streamline the document update process. The programme set out an optimal path for delivering the hydrogen document suite that accommodated all priority levels and resource allocations. It also identified those assumptions, such as update timelines and required expertise, that would support efficient execution.
The final phase focused on reporting for Ofgem. These reports brought together the findings, outcomes and recommendations from all phases, and demonstrated the network partners’ readiness for documentary transition to hydrogen operations. The reports provide assurance to stakeholders, including the Health and Safety Executive, of the readiness for safe implementation of hydrogen within the network.
Outcome and results
The project has successfully provided the UK gas networks with a clear, manageable and comprehensive roadmap to establishing their own hydrogen-ready document suites. It has also assured key stakeholders, including the HSE, that UK networks are procedurally prepared for hydrogen transition.
By prioritising documents that were critical to existing hydrogen initiatives, the project aligned with, and protected, these delivery milestones. In tandem, the project identified valuable commonality across network documents, allowing for knowledge pool, collaboration and efficient update across networks.
But perhaps most importantly, by taking this considerable body of ‘revision’ effort away from busy networks, the project has prevented the redirection of network resource away from the ‘actual’ goal: of getting to timely hydrogen transition and Net Zero 2050.
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UK gas networks hydrogen transition policies and procedures
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