NGN - Gas Holder Demolition Project Engineering (1369)
Engineering Management
12 May 2014
12 Jan 2016
QEM Solutions are the main supplier of Professional Services staff to Northern Gas Networks Capital delivery programme. QEM Solutions have been providing these services, for the RIIO programme, since September 2012.
QEM Solutions were involved with the selection of the 23 gas holders for the NGN demolition within RIIO regulatory period. We worked on preparing the scope of work for the demolition pack for the individual gas holder. These were reviewed and used to prepare the demolition tender pack. On award the QEM Solutions Project Engineer ensured safe working practices and compliance to NGN requirements.
Mark Danter has chaired all of the HAZDEM process safety meetings
For the belowground holders, our Project Engineer sourced the backfill material and contract for the biggest holder on the network at St Anthonys in Newcastle. More details can be view more details on the link to the NGN film on the gas holder demolition programme.