Spiecapag - Multi-Product Pipeline (552)
Project Start Up Consultancy
Spiecapag, Transnet
Johannesburg, South Africa
7 Jun 2009
27 Aug 2009
QEM Solutions were asked to assist Spiecapag with the project initiation on the new multi-product pipeline project going from Johannesburg to Durban in South Africa.
As soon as were were instructed, QEM Solutions mobilised to South Africa, ready to assist the client with the task of preparing all pre-construction and construction documentation.
Within a couple of days of arriving in South Africa we had established an action plan and started developing the current and future documentation requirements.
This particular contract initiated one of our fasted growing sectors of consultancy, "project start-up".
Quite simply, our aim was to provide two resources that had one remit, and one remit alone: ensure all the documentation was in place to enable construction to start as and when planned.
QEM Solutions proceeded to produce all required documentation including:
Construction procedures
Method statements
Risk assessments
Management plans
Quality & inspection test plans
Procurement plans