UK & Ireland Featured Project: NGN - Design Management

QEM Solutions are assisting NGN with Design Co-ordination activities, to ensure successful project initiation and design management of all current NGN projects.

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Overseas Featured Project: Capita Symonds - Valve Inspections

QEM Solutions were contracted to carry 3rd party inspection and witnessing activities on a series of valves fabricated in Germany for a series of SGN contracts throughout Scotland.

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We are problem solvers. We are organisers. From the project start-up to the very final evaluations and analysis, we can bring enthusiasm to each and every part of your project.



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22 Jul 2020

QEM returns to work

As a nation, we are in the final moments of lockdown – a period in history we’ll remember with mixed emotions.

Many of us enjoyed a slower pace of life, furloughed from work, with time to notice the perfect silence of our roads and skies. For others, lockdown has been a white-knuckle ride of work commitments, childcare and home-schooling – a test of fortitude perhaps best forgotten. But whatever lockdown has meant for you, it’s time to re-emerge. Time to get back to our desks, albeit with caution.

Coming back better: contact-free consultancy

As there is after every big life event, there’s a sense that now is the time for a fresh start for everyone. What went before is history, and we can all come out of lockdown a little bit better than we went in, with the deepened sense of community that many of us have felt since the beginning of March. Time then, to help other businesses get up to speed with ways of working that will help them prosper in an uncertain future. Time to share our knowledge and watch SME peers thrive. Amongst many other things, for example, we’re offering contact-free, remote consultancy that will help businesses secure ISO 9001 by October (find out why this is a significant date). Get in touch now if you think this might just help you.


The tools that got us through lockdown

It feels odd to write about QEM’s return to work when, frankly, we’ve never been away. As a company, we’ve always strived to find the best way to get the job done, and when there wasn’t a tool, have developed one. This means that over the years, we’ve created and embraced a suite of softwares that enable us to work flexibly, remotely and securely, using cloud-based systems that are accessible from anywhere. When lockdown hit, these systems and processes came into their own, and we were able to deliver that uninterrupted experience for our clients, too. Ironically, COVID-19 amply demonstrated the need for ways of working that we’ve been banging on about for years. We may have stayed home, perhaps used Zoom a little more, but beyond that, it was business as usual on all our projects, because we were already ready.

Back to the office with new learning

Like companies all over the UK, however, we’re coming back to our desks. Opening the door to our HQ with enhanced Health & Safety procedures, frequent risk assessment, and one eye always on emergency planning – three key issues we wrote about in a recent blog. The physical and mental well-being of our staff will be key as we adjust to the new normal and come to terms with what we’ve all just lived through. Be sure, also, that we’ll be listening to every COVID update the UK Government has to offer, as we navigate our many projects through the differing paces of restriction-easing nationwide. But most of all, we’ve learned a lot during lockdown, and are ready to share that learning. Get in touch – you’d be surprised by the ways in which we can help. Good luck everyone – let’s get this nation working again!