Health & Safety Management – A vital standard, and a flexible career for our changing world
Published: 29 October 2021
For some companies, Health & Safety Management may just be an annoyance – an additional responsibility that’s considered only in the days preceding an audit, or – worse still – after an accident has happened. However, we think differently.
Health & Safety Management is embedded into the way we work. It’s not an ‘extra’ job we have to do, it’s part of our daily routine as holders of certification in ISO 45001. But we know it’s tough for SMEs to juggle both immediate to-do lists and long-term improvements – like gaining certification. So that’s why we’ve created software to help businesses work towards standards like ISO 45001 without causing any extra hassle.
After Covid: Health & Safety and hybrid working
Surviving Covid safely (and still trading) was tough on all businesses. As well as underlining the importance of ISO 45001, Covid taught us two further, valuable, lessons.
First, that we don’t all have to haul ass into the office every day to do a great job. Flexible – or hybrid – working is the way forward for many reasons: to help anticipate future covid response, to support the well-being of our own mental health and that of our families, and, as we await the outcomes of COP26, to minimise our impact on the planet.
Secondly, Health & Safety Management has never been more important. The past 18 months have shown us that every workplace is exposed to new risks every day. Only sound Health & Safety practices can protect organisations and their people from such risk – and help them horizon scan for the next. (Because there will be a next.) But there are positives to ‘risk-based’ thinking like this: organisations who put H&S front of mind every day are not only more attractive to talented people, but they invariably have the edge in the marketplace. Put like that, Health & Safety prominence is a no-brainer.
What this means for our team
With these and other lessons gained over the whole Covid journey, it’s become clear to us as a close-knit team that Health & Safety Management must have renewed importance in the way that we operate and in the consultancy we offer clients. We need someone to help us bring H&S centre stage throughout our business. While working flexibly themselves, that person will help both us and our clients to build a Health & Safety ethos that is second to none. With Covid restrictions still lingering, virtual meeting tools and other appropriate software skills will be invaluable. By joining our team, you’ll not only help protect our future prosperity and that of our clients, but will create a role that’s uniquely your own, too.
Are you right for us?
If you are an existing consultant who’d like to expand your customer base, you may find this role suits you perfectly. If you have your own ideas about how you could deliver Health & Safety Consultancy to our diverse client base, let’s hear them.
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