UK & Ireland Featured Project: Cadent Mineral Blue / isCompliant Implementation (1603)

QEM Solutions have been assisting Cadent Gas with the implementation of our Mineral Blue and isCompliant software. By developing a bespoke connection between the two suites, QEM were able to establish a streamlined process for gathering project milestone achievements. Balancing these achievements with audit and inspection results have enabled Cadent to to get a true measure of project success.

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Overseas Featured Project: Capita Symonds - Valve Inspections

QEM Solutions were contracted to carry 3rd party inspection and witnessing activities on a series of valves fabricated in Germany for a series of SGN contracts throughout Scotland.

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We are QEM Solutions We are QEM Solutions

We are problem solvers. We are organisers. From the project start-up to the very final evaluations and analysis, we can bring enthusiasm to each and every part of your project.


News Spotlight COP26 – Our part in a UK Net Zero future

As world leaders turn for home after the opening days of COP26, leaving their teams to thrash out the difficult details, climate change is at the front of everyone’s minds. The terms ‘carbon’, ‘fossil fuels’ and even ‘beef’ have almost become dirty words. However, we’ve been quietly working towards the UK’s net zero aims for quite some time. Here’s how.



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27 Apr 2020

Coronalert: your comfort zone for the pandemic

The world is in lockdown, and we’re living in unprecedented times. What’s more, the anxiety is made worse by frequently updated quarantine restrictions and fears for our own, and our family’s, safety.

But what if a simple app could help keep you and others safe?

Incubated by QEM Ltd, our team at Nuclyus Ltd have been working alongside their Western Australian colleagues to create Coronalert. The app is both a pandemic zone alarm and monitor to help responsible citizens stem the spread of infection without sacrificing privacy – using blockchain and encryption technologies. It’s particularly useful for those living in areas where conflicting lockdown rules exist from zone to zone – like the USA, for example.

Case study: boundary notifications

Alex, a Coronalert user, lives in a suburb under lockdown, neighbouring another with different quarantine rules. Though he’d like to go for a run, he is limited to staying within 200m of his home. He sets out, and as he reaches his 200m boundary, is alerted by Coronalert and is able to modify his route. If, within his run, he crosses into another zone with different quarantine rules – a playpark for example ­– Coronalert notifies him of these, so that he can comply immediately. Alex’s actions are optionally recorded on blockchain so that these can be accessed for research or other purposes.

Case study: contact tracing

Alice has woken today with a cough and a fever, and has tested positively for COVID-19. A Coronalert user, she is now able to recover in bed while the app retraces her footprints over the last 10 days.  The app then anonymously contacts any Coronalert users with whom she has had contact under 2 metres, advising them to quarantine, and all without impacting upon Alice’s privacy.

Safety for everyone

The app measures three crucial things that maximise your safety and the safety of others: distance from home; zone boundary crossing; and contact with an infected person. But, crucially, these three activities are measured with adaptable privacy settings that are wholly dictated by your consent.

Privacy, in the age of Coronavirus

The are many ways to track people. Governments are using them now. Telcos are handing over your location data as we speak. Coronalert is different. Coronalert is personal. It’s for you, not the state. It’s a tool to help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe. And Coronalert is private. No personal information leaves your device, unless you ask it to.

It’s ready now

The app is ready to launch right now. If you’re interested, let’s talk.