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Software Solutions



Carbonfile is a cloud-based greenhouse gas inventory system. Carbonfile is based on the concepts and language of ISO 14064, which is the international standard for recording and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. Carbonfile produces two inventories: a private inventory, which only users can see; and a public inventory, which can be seen by anyone. Users have the choice to selectively publish results from their private inventory in the public one.

Why Inventories?

Greenhouse gas inventories are industrial data stores for enterprises and communities that emit and remove gases to and from the atmosphere. The personal approximation of an inventory is a carbon footprint. An inventory is forensic: it shows the emissions of all greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and removals to sinks. A forensic inventory is an essential first step towards quantifying data for trading.

Why Carbonfile?

Most greenhouse gas inventory systems are tailored to the needs of particular regulations. Because it is based purely on the concepts and language of ISO 14064, Carbonfile is general. It can be used to help satisfy the requirements of any legislation, including rules that don't exist yet. Because it is in the cloud, Carbonfile can be used by any enterprise.

For enterprises requiring a more private outcome, instances of Carbonfile can also be hosted on enterprise servers, behind enterprise firewalls.

Why the Blockchain?

Carbonfile stored inventory records in the blockchain. Blockchains aren't just for cryptocurrencies. The Carbonfile blockchain is an immutable public record of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. In the future, the Carbonfile blockchain will show who did what during this important time of change. Carbonfile provides an immutable record, that is probably true, and uncorrupted by governments.

What are the Business Benefits?

Carbonfile provides a fast way for communities and businesses to start storing emissions information now. We've taken the risk of building the system, so you don't have to.

Carbonfile futureproofs your data. Because it's based on ISO 14064, Carbonfile is forensic, and general. Carbonfile gives you a head start to comply with new regulations, before they occur.

Carbonfile improves your public relations. When customers ask, what are you doing about carbon, you can point to your state-of-the art blockchain system.

Carbonfile protects your business. What you can see, can be managed. Soon, there are highly likely to be stringent carbon prices. That's understandable. Climate change is a global emergency. Managing carbon will soon become an existential challenge for businesses.

One way to prepare for a challenging future is with technology. Carbonfile is future technology.

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