UK & Ireland Featured Project: FT Pipeline Systems - Integrated Management System (1254)

QEM Solutions used their understanding of the water industry to develop a management system that satisfied the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007. QEM Solutions continue to manage and improve the organisations processes both on a corporate and project specific level.

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Overseas Featured Project: Capita Symonds - Valve Inspections

QEM Solutions were contracted to carry 3rd party inspection and witnessing activities on a series of valves fabricated in Germany for a series of SGN contracts throughout Scotland.

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We are problem solvers. We are organisers. From the project start-up to the very final evaluations and analysis, we can bring enthusiasm to each and every part of your project.



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09 May 2019

Why waiting could become a thing of the past: Cloud-Based Safe Work Systems

Waiting costs money. And in the utilities industry, costs pots of money. Workers kitted out and ready to graft are forced to stand – and wait – for a permit to work.

Why the permit process must change

Much of the permit process (and other processes just like it) is still carried out on paper, with eye-watering margins for human error and inefficiency. Some permits may need not one, but several signatures. Some permits may need revision. Others may need associated documents. You get the idea. On larger sites, often the fastest way to get all these bits of paper together, signed by the relevant people, and into the right hands, is to run around between portacabins, clutching grubby but vital paperwork.

Hang on, isn’t this 2019? Why are we running around with all these little crucial bits of dead trees?

Why our Safe Work Systems save time and money

Safe work systems are an emerging class of safety-related technology solutions for industry that address this very question. They bundle related safe work processes into joined-up workflows. Ours, called Mineral Blue, is a fully electronic, cloud-based system, and we implemented it on a four-year gas infrastructure project in the UK, with startling results.

The numbers you want to see

Mineral Blue was deployed and produced permits for four years without downtime. In that four years, there were no reported software errors. Permit queues were reduced by 80%, with a reduction of 20% of all downtime. The total cost to the client over four years was around £120k, including hosting, hands-on support and bespoke development work. However, the project managers estimated that the total saving delivered by using our system was some £5 million.
